What We Offer

Our Solutions

Greenstaff Life Sciences team unites recruitment specialists and bilingual professionals adept in Research, Development and CMC domains. Our solutions, ranging from executive search to flexible contracting, are finely tuned to diverse requirements.

Executive Search
Leverage our vast network and expertise in executive recruitment to find top-tier talent for key leadership positions within the life sciences industry.
Permanent Hiring
Secure the future of your organization with our permanent hiring solutions, tailored to bring in dedicated professionals who will contribute to long-term success.
Maintain agility and adaptability with our contracting services, providing the flexibility to address short-term needs for research and development.
Offer expert guidance in strategic planning, business optimization, market analysis, and compliance consulting to enhance company competitiveness, ensure compliance, and boost overall success.
Executive Search
Leverage our vast network and expertise in executive recruitment to find top-tier talent for key leadership positions within the life sciences industry.
Permanent Hiring
Secure the future of your organization with our permanent hiring solutions, tailored to bring in dedicated professionals who will contribute to long-term success.
Maintain agility and adaptability with our contracting services, providing the flexibility to address short-term needs for research and development.
Offer expert guidance in strategic planning, business optimization, market analysis, and compliance consulting to enhance company competitiveness, ensure compliance, and boost overall success.
Clinical Development
Clinical Development
Clinical Development

Utilization of New Era Medical Technology & Human Resources

In recent years, various new medical technologies have been emerging worldwide, and scientific advancements in diagnosis and treatment continue to make significant progress. However, there is still ample room for significant breakthroughs. In Japan as well, numerous bio ventures and medtech companies are boldly taking on the challenge of advancing technology further, receiving investments from venture capital, investment banks, AMED, and other sources.

Clinical Development
Clinical Development
Clinical Development

In the fields of diseases such as cancer, mental disorders, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, and rare diseases where treatment is challenging, the development and approval of safer and more effective new drugs and medical devices are eagerly anticipated by patients around the world.

The evolution of foundational technologies such as AI, bioinformatics, and NGS, along with the profound understanding of advanced biology and genetics, are becoming clear guides for companies aiming to identify such diseases at an early stage, provide personalized treatments for individual patients, and strive for complete recovery.

Monthly New Register
Happy Clients
Active Jobs
Quality Control

We, Greenstaff Life Sciences Division, have inherited the genetic makeup of ICG Medical, a UK-based healthcare company that has been dedicated to better patient care for 18 years. Under our new brand, we aim to develop and launch “unprecedented medical technologies” and support the talent search, team building, and global expansion of life science companies pursuing this mission.

Creating something new requires not only the core technology but also the acquisition of talent with fresh insights, experiences, and talents. Nowadays, the utilization of such talent comes in various forms, including not only full-time employees but also contract workers, dispatch workers, advisors, directors, outsourcing, and external consultants. The Greenstaff Life Sciences Division will offer proposals for these diverse options of talent utilization and provide tailored solutions for companies, not only in Japan but also around the world.

Your Partner for Elevating Life Science Talent & Consultancy

Greenstaff Life Sciences team unites recruitment specialists and bilingual professionals adept inResearch, Development and CMC domains. Our solutions, ranging from outsourcing to flexible staffing, are finely tuned to diverse requirements. Committed to advancing cellular and genetic therapies, we invite you to join us in this journey toward progress today!

Advancing Global Medical Technologies

Cell & Gene Therapies at the Forefront

Research & Development
Research and development (R&D)

Research & Development

Research and development (R&D) are critically important in the process of making new drugs. R&D drives innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. It allows pharmaceutical companies to explore novel approaches, discover new compounds, and develop cutting-edge technologies. This innovation is essential for creating more effective and safer drugs for patients. By providing new treatments and therapies that improve and extend the lives of individuals, R&D benefits public health. R&D is also crucial for the long-term sustainability of pharmaceutical companies as well. It enables them to maintain a good pipeline of new products, replacing older drugs as they go off-patent and ensuring the company’s continued success.

Over the recent period, several innovative therapies spanning gene, cell, and RNA therapies have gained regulatory approval, ushering in groundbreaking treatments for various medical conditions. Notably, among these approvals are the first-ever treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and dystrophic epidermyolysis bullosa.

Here are some trends in the recent research and development in CGT space

Stem Cell Therapies

Stem Cell Therapies: Stem cell-based therapies were gaining momentum, especially in regenerative medicine. Researchers were exploring the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and other stem cell types for a wide range of applications, from tissue regeneration to disease modeling. The prospects of stem cell therapy are that the ability to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs, such as the heart, liver, or kidneys. It also has the potential to develop new treatments for currently incurable neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

Gene Silencing Techniques in Therapeutics

Beyond gene editing, gene silencing techniques like RNA interference (RNAi) were being investigated for therapeutic purposes. RNAi results in temporary silencing of gene expression (knock-down) but CRISPR/Cas system results in permanent gene silencing (knock-out) making permanent changes to the genome. Both of this loss of function technology has their own advantages and limitations in making new drugs.

Personalized Medicine

The concept of personalized medicine was increasingly important. Researchers were exploring ways to tailor cell and gene therapies to the unique genetic and molecular profiles of individual patients. Personalized medicine is beginning to overcome the limitations of traditional medicine. Increasingly, it is allowing health care providers to shift the emphasis in medicine from reaction to prevention.

More cell and gene therapies were entering clinical trials, covering a wider range of diseases and medical conditions. This reflected growing interest from both academia and the pharmaceutical industry. Regulatory agencies were adapting to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by cell and gene therapy. There were efforts to streamline the regulatory process while ensuring the safety and efficacy of these therapies.

Regulatory Affairs


CMC, which stands for Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls, is a critical aspect of drug development and regulatory approval. It covers a series of activities and documentation related to the chemistry and manufacturing processes of a pharmaceutical product. CMC is as critical as R&D in making new drugs because it ensures that the drug is manufactured consistently, with high quality, and in compliance with regulatory standards. This ensures patient safety, efficacy, and the ability to bring the drug to market. Failure to address CMC requirements effectively can lead to delays in drug approvals or in some cases, the denial of marketing authorization.

There is a trend toward optimizing and simplifying the manufacturing processes for cell and gene therapies. This includes reducing the cost and complexity of production to increase scalability and accessibility. Ensuring a secure and efficient supply chain for these therapies has been on-going challenge, this includes issues related to sourcing raw materials, distribution, and the management of complex logistics associated with personalized medicine. As cell and gene therapies move from clinical trials to commercial production, scalability is a significant challenge as well. Developing methods that can scale up production while maintaining product consistency is a key.

Here are some challenges and trends in the recent CMC in CGT space


CMC plays a critical role in cell and gene therapy by ensuring the quality, safety, and consistency of these advanced therapies. Given their unique characteristics, CMC is even more essential in this field to meet the regulatory requirements, ensure patient safety, and optimize the manufacturing processes for these innovative treatments.